

Laser Hair Removal


Laser Hair Removal in Tampa and New Tampa

Are you tired of the endless cycle of shaving, waxing, and plucking? Do you dream of smooth, hair-free skin without the hassle? Look no further than Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa for the ultimate solution: Laser Hair Removal in Tampa and New Tampa.

laser hair removal

Experience the Future of Hair Removal

At Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa, we understand the importance of self-confidence and feeling your absolute best. Unwanted hair can be a source of frustration and insecurity for many individuals. That’s why we offer state-of-the-art Laser Hair Removal services in both Tampa and New Tampa, ensuring you can enjoy the benefits of smooth, hair-free skin with minimal effort and discomfort.

Laser Hair Removal is a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment that targets hair follicles with precision, effectively reducing and eventually eliminating unwanted hair. It is a safe and efficient alternative to traditional hair removal methods, such as shaving and waxing, providing lasting results that will leave you feeling confident and radiant.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal in Tampa and New Tampa?

When it comes to choosing a method for hair removal, Laser Hair Removal stands out for several compelling reasons:

  1. Precision: Laser technology targets hair follicles directly, leaving surrounding skin untouched. This precision minimizes the risk of irritation or damage to your skin, making it suitable for all skin types.
  2. Long-Lasting Results: Laser Hair Removal offers permanent or long-lasting hair reduction. After a series of sessions, you can expect a significant reduction in hair growth, allowing you to enjoy smooth, hair-free skin for an extended period.
  3. Minimal Discomfort: Many individuals find Laser Hair Removal to be virtually painless, especially when compared to traditional methods like waxing. At Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa, our experienced technicians prioritize your comfort throughout the procedure.
  4. Time and Money Savings: Say goodbye to the time-consuming and costly routine of frequent shaving or waxing appointments. Laser Hair Removal allows you to invest in a long-term solution that saves you time and money in the long run.
  5. Boosted Confidence: Enjoy the confidence that comes with beautifully smooth skin, no matter the season or occasion. Laser Hair Removal will leave you feeling your best, whether you’re hitting the beach or just want to feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Our Commitment to Excellence

Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa is dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of care and the most effective Laser Hair Removal in Tampa and New Tampa. Our team of experienced and licensed technicians is trained in the latest laser technology, ensuring your treatment is safe and comfortable and delivers the results you desire.

The Process

  1. Consultation: Your journey to smooth, hair-free skin begins with a consultation at our Tampa or New Tampa location. During this appointment, our experts will assess your skin type, hair color, and your specific needs to create a personalized treatment plan tailored just for you.
  2. Treatment: The Laser Hair Removal process involves the use of a specialized laser that emits highly concentrated light. This light is absorbed by the pigment in your hair follicles, effectively damaging them and preventing further hair growth. Multiple sessions are typically required to achieve optimal results, as hair grows in different cycles.
  3. Results: Over time, you will notice a significant reduction in hair growth. Hair will become finer and lighter in color, and some areas may even become completely hair-free. Consistency with your treatment plan is key to achieving the best results.

Safety First

Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa prioritizes your safety above all else. Our advanced laser technology is FDA-approved, and our technicians undergo rigorous training to ensure your treatment is not only effective but also safe. You can trust us to provide a comfortable and risk-free Laser Hair Removal experience.

The Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa Difference

What sets us apart from the rest? At Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa, we take a holistic approach to your beauty and wellness needs. We understand that true beauty radiates from within, and we offer a range of complementary services to enhance your overall well-being. From facials and skin rejuvenation treatments to massage therapy and wellness consultations, we have you covered. Our goal is to help you look and feel your best, inside and out.

Why Choose Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa for Laser Hair Removal in Tampa

When it comes to Laser Hair Removal in Tampa, you have several options, but Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa stands out as the premier choice. Here’s why you should choose us for your laser hair removal needs:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa boasts a team of highly trained and experienced technicians who are experts in Laser Hair Removal. Our commitment to excellence ensures that you receive the best possible care and results.
  2. Personalized Treatment: We understand that every individual is unique. That’s why we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific skin type, hair color, and needs. Your journey to smooth, hair-free skin begins with a consultation that allows us to create a plan that works for you.
  3. State-of-the-Art Technology: Our spa is equipped with the latest, FDA-approved laser technology. We invest in cutting-edge equipment to provide you with safe and effective treatments. You can trust that we use the best tools available to deliver outstanding results.

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair Today

Are you ready to say goodbye to the never-ending battle with unwanted hair? Discover the freedom and confidence that comes with smooth, hair-free skin. Experience the future of hair removal with Laser Hair Removal in Tampa and New Tampa at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward effortless beauty. Say hello to a brighter, more confident you, and let us redefine your beauty journey. With Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa, you’re one step closer to a more beautiful, confident, and carefree you.



Unlike traditional methods (waxing, shaving, bleaching or using depilatory creams), laser hair removal impacts the root of the problem, rather than offering a temporary solution. Traditional methods will require treatment forever, while laser hair removal treatment only requires a few sessions. Most patients immediately notice a significant reduction in hair growth and eventually smooth and hair-free skin.


Both of our laser hair removal systems offer advanced laser hair removal procedure safely, effectively and gently eliminate unwanted hair. During your consultation we will determine which laser is best suited for your needs. Our laser hair removal systems are powering enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair that is safe for all skin types.

DiolazeXL has one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatments convenient and fast.  The combination of efficacy, patient comfort and speed makes DiolazeXL a leader in laser hair removal. It is powerful enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair.  

The Aerolase Neo Elite laser uses a combination of heat and energy to destroy the hair follicle without harming the skin around it.  The Aerolase Neo Elite laser enables our laser to safely, effectively, and virtually painlessly treat all skin types and tones.


During laser hair removal treatments we offer uses either a NDYag or diode laser beam that passes through the skin towards hair follicles. The penetrating energy then heats up the root of the hair, which in turn prevents future hair growth. 


Each of our lasers have special technology that delivers comfortable and virtually painless treatments.  Discomfort usually associated with older hair removal systems has been reduced and virtually eliminated through our advanced technologies.


All laser hair removal methods requires a series of treatments. Laser hair removal works best when hair follicles are in their mature stage; however, at any given time your hair is in various stages of growth.  After an evaluation, we will recommend the optimal number of sessions to be performed based on your personal objectives. Treatment times and frequency will be specifically tailored to obtain the optimal results.  Hair is reduced with each treatment and results are observed after four to six sessions. The number of sessions will differ depending on your hair color, hair type, body area, and skin tone. Four to eight treatment sessions may be necessary depending on treatment area hair color, hair type, and skin tone.


Visible results can be seen within a few days, but typically after three weeks the most noticeable results appear. Improvements continue up to three months after treatment.


The laser systems we offer can be safely used on most areas of the body that have unwanted hair. Most commonly treated areas include: bikini, legs, arms, chest, back, shoulders, stomach, neck, chin, sideburns, and between the brows.