Conditions – Hyperpigmentation2024-06-13T15:09:00+00:00





Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL, can help with hyperpigmentation and sun spots.

Hyperpigmentation & Sun Spots

Hyperpigmentation & Sun Spots

Hyperpigmentation encompasses skin darkening caused by excess melanin production, resulting from factors like sun exposure, hormonal changes, or skin damage. It manifests as patches or spots that appear darker than the surrounding skin. Sun spots, a type of hyperpigmentation, specifically arise from prolonged exposure to UV radiation, leading to localized darkened areas on the skin commonly known as solar lentigines or liver spots. Hyperpigmentation and sun spots can be effectively addressed through various treatments such as topical creams, laser therapy, and hydrafacials, each tailored to target and reduce the appearance of darkened areas on the skin.

Treatment Options

Treatment Options

Topical skincare products are a treatment available at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL.

Topical Skincare Products

Topical skincare products like ZO Skin Health and Epionce offer specialized formulations containing ingredients such as hydroquinone, retinoids, vitamin C, and niacinamide that can effectively target hyperpigmentation and sun spots, helping to lighten darkened areas and improve overall skin tone and texture with consistent use.

Average duration: 8 to 12 weeks of consistent usage

Custom compound formulas are a treatment available at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL.

Compounded Formulas

Special compounded formulas, customized by dermatologists or compounding pharmacies, can be tailored to individual skin needs and concerns, offering potent combinations of ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, and retinoids to effectively target and treat hyperpigmentation and sun spots for personalized skincare solutions.

Average duration: 12 to 16 weeks of consistent usage

Fotona laser therapy is a treatment available at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL.

Fotona Laser

Fotona laser technology is utilized to target and treat hyperpigmentation and sun spots by delivering precise wavelengths of light to the skin, effectively breaking down excess melanin and stimulating collagen production for a more even skin tone and reduced appearance of darkened areas.

Average number of treatments: 2-3 sessions spaced 2-4 weeks apart

Aerolase laser therapy is a treatment available at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL.

Aerolase Laser

The Aerolase laser system is a cutting-edge technology used to effectively target hyperpigmentation and sun spots by delivering gentle yet powerful laser energy that selectively targets melanin in the skin, resulting in improved pigmentation and overall skin tone with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Average number of treatments: 4-6 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart

Lumecca IPL is a treatment available at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL.

Lumecca IPL

Lumecca Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a popular treatment option for addressing hyperpigmentation and sun spots, utilizing broad-spectrum light to target melanin in the skin, effectively reducing the appearance of dark spots and promoting a more even complexion with minimal downtime and impressive results.

Average number of treatments: 3-5 sessions spaced 3-4 weeks apart

Hydrafacial is a treatment available at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL.


Hydrafacial treatments are a non-invasive skincare solution that can effectively address hyperpigmentation and sun spots by combining deep cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and infusion of serums containing brightening agents like vitamin C and glycolic acid, resulting in a more radiant complexion with reduced dark spots and improved skin texture.

Average number of treatments: 4-6 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart

Secret DUO is a treatment available at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa in Tampa, FL

Secret DUO

Secret DUO is an innovative treatment that uses a 1540 nm erbium glass laser to effectively target hyperpigmentation and sun spots by stimulating collagen production, improving skin texture, and reducing the appearance of dark spots for a more even and rejuvenated complexion.

Average number of treatments: varies, usually at least 3



When visiting Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa for the treatment of hyperpigmentation and sun spots, you can expect a comprehensive and personalized approach to address your skin concerns. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by a team of skilled professionals who will conduct a thorough skin assessment to understand your specific needs.

The experienced staff at Defining Beauty Wellness and Med Spa will recommend a tailored treatment plan that may include advanced procedures such as Aerolase or Fotona laser treatments to target hyperpigmentation effectively. Throughout your sessions, you can anticipate a relaxing and comfortable environment where the focus is on achieving visible improvements in reducing dark spots and sun damage while enhancing overall skin health.

Dos & Don’ts – Before Treatment

Dos & Don’ts – Before Treatment

Please arrive with a clean face free of makeup to ensure the effectiveness of the treatments. Avoid using skin-irritating substances such as retinol, vitamin C, and exfoliants 3-5 days before your appointment, as these products can increase skin sensitivity and discomfort during the treatment process.

Maintaining a daily sunscreen routine is highly recommended to protect your skin and prevent further sun damage. It’s also important to avoid sun exposure both before your treatment sessions to optimize the results and minimize the risk of skin complications.

Dos & Don’ts – After Treatment

Dos & Don’ts – After Treatment

It is strongly advised to adhere to a daily sunscreen regimen after treatment to safeguard your skin and deter additional sun damage. Furthermore, it is crucial to steer clear of sun exposure following your treatment sessions to enhance the outcomes and lessen the likelihood of skin complications.

Ready to Get Started?

Ready to Get Started?

Questions? Please reach out to us with any questions you have at (813) 995-0408 or message us here.

Products for sale at Defining Beauty and Med Spa in Tampa, FL.
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